If you are not able to drop off at a collection point, you can use our online shopping service to donate. https://westcheshire.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/online-shop/


How foodbanks work

Providing emergency food to people in crisis.

Food is donated

Schools, churches, businesses and individuals donate non-perishable, in-date food to the Foodbank, usually through our ‘Community Collection Box Scheme’ with donation points across the area.

‘Supermarket Collections’ are another way that food is donated: These are food drives held at supermarkets where volunteers give shoppers a ‘Foodbank shopping list’ and ask them to buy an extra item or two for local people in crisis.

You can also use our On line shop to purchase individual items most in need at any point

Food is stored, sorted and distributed

Volunteers sort food to check that it’s in date. This is stored at our warehouse and then delivered to our distribution centres, ready to give to people in need. over 100 wonderful people volunteer with us every week, working across our different centres, our warehouse and our admin office.

We can only do what we do because of the support we have from the local community. Thank you so much to everyone who volunteers, donates and prays for the work we do.

Professionals identify people in need

Every month, people like you go hungry because they cannot afford food. We work with almost 70 different front-line care organisations that refer people in this situation to us.

If you need emergency food for whatever reason, you need to seek advice from one of our partner agencies. You can see a list of the agencies we work with here.

Local people in need receive food

We provide three days of nutritionally balanced food to local people in crisis. We’ll also try to signpost people to other organisations which can support them to address the underlying cause of their crisis.

We provide short term crisis support -we  are not intended to be a medium/long term replacement or supplement to the benefits system and through our affiliation to Trussell campaign to end the need for foodbanks.

The food we give is donated by people like you.

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