If you are not able to drop off at a collection point, you can use our online shopping service to donate. https://westcheshire.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/online-shop/

Give Help

Donate money

Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.

We Really Appreciate Your Donations

We work hard to provide a service for all our users – all of whom deserve the best.We don’t want to have to be here but whilst we have to exist, we will do our utmost to support local people in emergency financial crisis

Many of us volunteer our time freely and gladly, however, we still need to pay for our warehouse and staff, fill up our van with fuel and lots of other little things.

Given increasing demand of our services, We are  having to purchase food to keep up with demand. This can run to high four  figure sum each month – this is one sustainable with your help.

It all adds up – as it does for any of us – so any contribution you can make to support our work would be immensely appreciated.

If you are able to support us financially, you can do so in several ways:


Donate direct to us!

You can safely and quickly make personal donations online (either one off  or regularly) via our Charities Aid Foundation portal which can be found here or by clicking the red donate button at the top of this page. You can stipulate Gift aid support as well if applicable.

We are also able to take card donations/paypal or set up direct debits for regular giving over the office phone 

The direct debits are easy to amend set up or cancel – simply call our admin office on 0151 355 7730 in working hours (9-2 weekdays) or email [email protected]


Donate via Bank Faster Payment

Due to fraud considerations we no longer publish our Bank details here however if you prefer to make a direct Bank payment as a business please contact our admin office for the details on 0151 355 7730 or email [email protected] 

Donate via TEXT

For example, text ‘WCFB 10′ to 70085 to donate £10. This will cost your donation amount plus one standard network rate message

Donate by post

Please make cheques payable to: ‘West Cheshire Foodbank’ and address them to the following:

West Cheshire Foodbank,
Unit 2-4 Stanney Mill
Dutton Green, Chester
Cheshire, CH2 4SA

Thank You!

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