22 Jan 14
We’re looking for Two New Trustees
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Role 1: Trustee with responsibility for Finance (Voluntary Position) Role 2: Trustee with responsibility for Food Collection, Storage and Delivery (Voluntary Position) Hours: Average of 5 hours per week. Expected attendance at monthly Trustee meetings included Location: Multiple sites across Chester, Ellesmere Port and Neston West Cheshire Foodbank was established by […]
22 Jan 14
Fit to Work? Chris’s Story
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“While he was visiting us recently, Chris told us he has lived rough for the last 9 months. Although his G.P. assessed him to be unfit for work after he suffered from a second stroke, the DWP deemed that this was not the case. He has begun the appeal process with support from the agency that referred him […]
17 Jan 14
Love, Joy and Hope? Joe’s Story
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Joe recently visited one of our Foodbanks for the first time. He had just been sanctioned because he was told to complete a job search on 25/12/13 and 01/01/14. He was asked by the Jobcentre why he had not looked for jobs on Christmas Day and on New Years Day and was then sanctioned for 4 weeks. He is […]
14 Jan 14
Jessica’s Story
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“We’re paying pack a loan from the DWP of £48 a fortnight and we are struggling. I had to come here [Foodbank] today because of that and on top of this our Child Tax Credits have stopped. They said I hadn’t got in touch with them, but I had. My 17 year old son is at college. My […]
13 Jan 14
Stuart’s Story
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Stuart visited one of our Foodbank sessions for the first time last week. He told me simply that the reason he was there was “out of sheer desperation. There’s no alternative. When you can’t afford food you think where do I go, what do I do now? I didn’t know which way to turn but […]
8 Jan 14
Adrian & Ruth’s Story
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“My wife has been on DLA1 (first level, both elements) for a few years. We were claiming JSA3 – a joint claim. But when I was diagnosed with colorectal2 cancer my doctor gave me a sick note for three months, which meant switching to ESA4. Because I didn’t go for conventional treatment I couldn’t be fast-tracked […]
6 Jan 14
Thank you to the very generous staff at M&S Bank
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A big thank you to the very generous staff at M&S Bank for their donations of food over the past month. Thanks also for giving your time and volunteering to work for a day in the warehouse packing Christmas bags for people in our community who need our help. That week was particularly busy and the extra help […]
31 Dec 13
Happy New Year: Reflections on 2013
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As we reflect on the last year, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported the work of West Cheshire Foodbank over the last year, generously giving time, food and funds to support people in crisis. Thank you! A lot has changed since we first opened our doors in November 2012. […]
29 Dec 13
Andrew’s Story
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“I came today as I was in debt with my bank and this left us with £4 to feed a family of 7 in total. As I have two children with special needs I had to come to the Foodbank to help with the weekly shopping. If this was not here we would be struggling […]
19 Dec 13
Foodbank Debate: Our Response
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Yesterday’s debate on Food Banks illustrated just how much the UK population cares about the increase in numbers of people going hungry in the UK. It is not often that a Commons Debate trends on Twitter. We are disappointed that the gravity of the situation faced by those receiving emergency food across the UK and in […]