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Posts in: Hardship Payment

Will’s Story

“I first used the Foodbank when the jobcentre sanctioned my benefits with complication in applying for hardship payment. I came to the Foodbank as I had no money or food. They helped me with emergency food on several occasions as my sanction went on.” [Volunteer Notes: Will’s last benefit was paid into a friends account […]

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Trevor’s Story

“On the sick for 30 years and I am unable to walk. I have a vertiba pushing in my spine. It is going to get worse. I have medical certificates but in February I failed my medical because for some reason my medical certificates were not available. I have been sending in sick notes ever […]

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George’s Story

“I have had no money since April, which was a hardship payment. They say I am waiting for a decision maker to decide if I am entitled to any money. They told me to sign on for JSA, but wouldn’t let me sign on for JSA as they could see I was not able to […]

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Mathew’s Story

“I attended my jobsearch program during the week (as usual). As my dates are sometimes changed (i.e. to different days of the week) on this ‘one’ occasion I actually attended on the Wednesday, a day earlier than I was scheduled to!! – No one pointed this out to me, and let me continue as I […]

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Love, Joy and Hope? Joe’s Story

 Joe recently visited one of our Foodbanks for the first time. He had just been sanctioned because he was told to complete a job search on 25/12/13 and 01/01/14. He was asked by the Jobcentre why he had not looked for jobs on Christmas Day and on New Years Day and was then sanctioned for 4 weeks. He is […]

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